⭐️ Find out how to grow individuals faster and better using Psychometric profiling.
⭐️ Hear about case studies of organisations who are investing in profiling and coaching to develop High Performing Teams.
⭐️ Learn how to open the doors to further opportunities working in organisations
⭐️ Create credibility for yourself and establish yourself as a profiling expert
Identify the difference between conscious and unconscious behaviours and learn how to ready the profiles and identify the key learning from the data.
Learn how to understand Extroversion and Introversion from these numbers.
Establish where the places of confidence and competence are and learn how to lean into the flexibility diagram and spend as much time doing the things that bring satisfaction and fulfillment.
Find out how to cope with all the white space that surrounds your flexibility zones.
Bachelor Science (psychology)
Diploma Professional Coaching
Master Trainer - HR Profiling Australasia
Marina is the Director of PROFILE Coaching Ltd. She has 30 years experience in organisational development. She has certified over 35 professionals and coaches with psychometric profiling. She is a certified practitioner of 3 psychometric profiling tools. Marina has worked with organisations across NZ and Australia and is now supporting coaches in Pakistan, Qatar and Saudi.
In the 1990's Marina was working as a facilitator for the NZ Institute of Management, after 15 years and an earthquake that closed the NZIM Christchurch building down, Marina pivoted to self employment and opened RHODODirect which became NZ largest online Rhododendron nursery, she sold this business in 2019 and went back to full time coaching and facilitation. Marina knows about devastating earthquakes, the importance of being flexible in business and life and how to enjoy the journey whatever stage you are on.
Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Management
Diploma Professional Coaching
Master Trainer - HR Profiling Australasia
Nicole’s work has consistently been orientated around training, people development, coaching, business operations and all areas of human resources. Nicole believes that people are the most important asset in a business, from the CEO to the cleaner – if they are coached, guided, supported and looked after, they will in turn look after the business.
Nicole has worked at the strategic management level for nearly 10 years and has been in the franchise and people coaching business for over 17 years. Through all of these disciplines Nicole works very closely with people – individually and in groups – developing their ability to either grow within their careers or their business as well as assisting with interpersonal skills development.
Nicole is extremely passionate about business and personal coaching, she also provides programme development and group facilitation work specialising in customising programme content to assist in reinforcing your company goals and values.
Join Marina and Nicole to find out how Psychometric Profiling could be added to your services and help your clients & team
reduce conflict
Teach individuals and teams how to reduce and manage conflict more effectively
Learn about the opportunities for organisations using customised profiling
teams and organisations
Develop your services for team building and development
Let the data do the talking, find out how to interpret the numbers in reports
create opportunities
Improve social emotional intelligence & grow individual and team awareness
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